The (not so) Daily Me

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election '04

Ohio is key.

Best place to get detailed up-to-the-minute Ohio stats is straight from the horse's mouth (in this case the OH SecState). Another good option is Yahoo.

I have been watching the election on Fox. I think that the sole Dem/Lib on Fox's team serves as a very effective caricature of Dems/Libs. Bush has won FL. He will put it away by winning OH. If he loses OH, he has a not indecent chance of tying it up 269-269 and taking it in the House of Reps. Random thought: Two of the most charismatic Republicans right now are Rudy Giuliani and Karen Hughes. Not random thought: I would like to quote what the aforementioned famous mayor said to Brit Hume (Fox anchor) and apply it to myself: "Get yourself some coffee."


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