On Thursday afternoon we (Dad and I) drove up to Ohio. We stayed at Mark and Mary Ellen's except they and their two youngest kids weren't there. There went to Maryland for the weekend. We met them on the way at McDonalds. On the way back, as I was going *cough* *cough* an unspecified amount over the speed limit, I almost had a heart attack when I saw a cop. My pulse slowed when my brain caught up with my eyes and I saw that he was going the opposite way on the other side of a concrete wall. Then about ten minutes later, it happened again! Our car was loaded down pretty heavily, and it didn't seem to have much power. Let's just say that I suppose it could've gone faster than 85 (what I maxed out at), but only downhill with a hurricane behind it. Man, I would have so much fun (getting tickets) with a Corvette. I got a new leather jacket at JC Penny's for half-price! It was normally 100% more than what I got it for. It was normally priced at $200. For buying it, they gave me $30 worth of gift certificates.
My suit pants are getting too small for me. (Yes, that's exactly what's happening; the pants are getting smaller) I was lucky to find pants that match my suit exactly at JC Penny's! And they were 50% off! You know what they say, "Those that get too big for their britches are exposed in the end!"
Take the global test! and check out The Ultimate John Kerry Ad!
When we came home last night I turned off the headlights as I drove up the lane. When I flicked them on again, I was half-way into the field. I got back on the lane and then turned them off again. At this point I could see the trees framing our driveway outlined against the slightly lighter sky and was able to drive according to that. The end result was that no one in the house saw us coming. I coasted to a stop by the garage. Dad and I got out and made sure not slam our doors. I started walking away and the car started to roll. I grabbed the car and held on. It kept rolling pulling me with it. I opened the door and leaned in and almost got knocked over. I yanked the emergency brake. We then walked over to the kitchen window and peered in. Dad called the house with his cell phone. Heidi picked up. Dad told her to tell Mom that we were so tired that we were just going to stop for the night and sleep. It was hilarious seeing their facial reactions!!
Kerry had to cheat at the debate to win!
Kerry's hometown paper endorses Bush:
We in Massachusetts know John Kerry. He got his first taste of politics 32 years ago in the cities and towns of Greater Lowell.In his 20 years in the U.S. Senate, Kerry, a Navy war hero, hasn’t risen above the rank of seaman for his uninspiring legislative record. He’s been inconsistent on major issues. First he’s for the 1991 Persian Gulf War, then he opposes it. First he’s for the war in Iraq, then he’s against it. First he’s for a strong U.S. defense, then he votes against military weapons programs. First he’s for the U.S. Patriot Act, then he opposes it.
Kerry’s solution to stop terrorism? He’d go to the U.N. and build a consensus. How naive. France’s Jacques Chirac, Germany’s Gerhard Schroeder, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and other Iraq oil-for-food scam artists don’t want America to succeed. They want us brought down to their level. And more and more, Kerry sounds just like them. In a recent campaign speech, Kerry said America was in the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
No doubt John Kerry sincerely wants to serve his country, but we believe he’s the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Americans should think back three years ago to the smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center. There among the mist lay the images and memories of fallen firefighters, police, a Catholic chaplain and ordinary working citizens moms, dads, sons, daughters.
President Bush, through heartfelt tears, told us never to forget the twisted carnage and the massacre of the innocents. Yet some of us are forgetting.
President Bush told us the attacks must never happen again. Yet some of us are wavering because of the brave sacrifice of soldiers that our nation’s security demands.
Well, President Bush hasn’t forgotten. Nor has he lost the courage and conviction to do what is right for America.
We know if there is one thing the enemy fears above all else, it is that George Bush’s iron will is stronger than his iron won’t.
The Sun proudly endorses the re-election of President George W. Bush.
Thanks for sharing!
-Your auto insurance agent
:-) ji
Anonymous, at October 4, 2004 at 10:20 PM
hey! wow your post was really interesting. how come other ppl can always fnd stuff to put on their posts, and I never can think of anything? O well. sry. we missed you when you came out a few weeks ago.
see yea later.
your cuz,
Anonymous, at October 5, 2004 at 3:17 PM
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