The (not so) Daily Me

Friday, October 01, 2004

The Debate

Great debate! I would agree with the former Clinton adviser who was amazingly candid when he said he thought that "Kerry won on style, but Bush on substance." Kerry lied about "lied." I loved the after-debate remarks by Karl Rove and Karen Hughes! I want to see Karen Hughes for President in '08! (on second thought, I'd like to see her as Veep in '08, I'd love to see McCain for the Republican ticket)

The Drudge Report reported:

Unbeknownst to Kerry adviser Mike McCurry, a C-SPAN camera quietly followed McCurry as he found Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart on Spin Alley floor and asked him his impression of the debate. Lockhart candidly said to McCurry , “Basically, the overall is that the thing was a draw.”

Will those Dems ever give it up? A professor got caught in the act [] trying to forge a verification of the forged Bush national guard memos. What irony! You'd think they would've learned by now that forging documents hurts them more than helps. That train of thought of course raises the question: If they aren't totally nuts (I like to believe that they aren't all), could it be that there are some successfully forged documents out there that have been successfully used? Just a thought. The other side is in light of my parentheses comment, that it might logically follow that it is only the Michael Moore types that are outputting these forgeries.

Two documentaries: The first: Kerry on Iraq. Available free on DVD or you can watch it online. It's great! I have watched it. It is little more than clips of Kerry saying stuff (contradicting himself). My little brothers and sisters watched it with me and they were laughing at Kerry. Even they could see his ridiculous vacillation! The second: Haven't seen it. FahrenHYPE 9/11. Rebuttal to you-know-what by you-know-who. Coming to DVD Oct. 5.


  • There's one reason I'd rather have a colonoscopy that see Bush reelected. The PATRIOT Act.
    Of course, there's always the INDUCE Act, lying about war, lying about WMD's, the bad science, and the environmental devastation...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 9, 2004 at 12:31 AM  

  • As Bush and Cheney say after those mind-blowing Kerry or Edwards remarks: "Where to start..."

    The PATRIOT Act - Same tools used on drug dealers for a while. Dems voted for it too. Hypocrites to criticize.

    INDUCE Act - I agreee. See earlier blog post about calling your congressional reps. telling them to not support it. The bill died.

    lying about the war - see most recent postlying about WMDs - see above

    bad science - Haven't heard about any actual bad science. The intelligent question from the person in the town hall meeting debate about stem cell research last night pretty much debunked the main tenet of the Dems erroneous "junk science" claims.

    environmental devastation - The air is cleaner since Bush took office. He signed a bill to cut ATV emissions by 90%. He is using a smart policy of controlled logging to prevent the very environmental devastation you talk about: forest fires.

    By Blogger starrsoft, at October 9, 2004 at 10:45 AM  

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