Yeee-haw!! I no longer surf the net, I cruise at supersonic speeds! Where we used to have an ISDN modem that hooked up via a serial cable and topped out at 112 kbps up and downstream, we have a cable modem that tops out at 3 mbps downstream and 256 kbps upstream. Check out this screenshot:

Why are you using IE?!?! You should be using Firefox!
Anonymous, at October 7, 2004 at 4:39 PM
Amen to whoever said that. But I think that is a screenie from their server not his desktop. You use Firefox on your desktop right Hansy?
Anonymous, at October 7, 2004 at 7:22 PM
Oh, much worse. So you're compromising the security of your server?? [Screams and runs for cover in paranoia.]
Anonymous, at October 9, 2004 at 9:26 AM
But the main security issue of IE is spyware; an-up-to-date-with-patches-IE can only get spyware or other malware or exploitation of vulnerabilities by a computer illiterate user, which I, of course, am not. And the risk of those kind of things are minimal on a server that no one uses for web surfing anyway.
starrsoft, at October 9, 2004 at 10:12 AM
Hey Blogger,
Had to write to let you know that I found your site very useful to me. Could you please tell me how I could find out more? I�d love it if I could get an RSS feed from your site to mine. Is this possible?
make extra money
Anonymous, at March 24, 2006 at 10:05 PM
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