The Weekend
Uncle Tony came!!! It's great having him here! We got a bunch (10 packs) of pictures back, so I'm going to start posting some. We need a digital camera. On Friday night we cleaned the schoolhouse. Ted and I were cleaning windows. Darrell was cleaning desks. One time he came over and pointed his North end away from me and then proceded to violate the Federal Clean Air Act. I got him back by "accidentally" spraying him with my Windex while he was cleaning under my window.Ted, Tony, and I were out sweeping sidewalks. Andy Byler came out with a can of starter fluid and sprayed a wasp nest to kill the wasps. It did a very poor job of killing them. It did a very good job of starting them. They began their dive-bombing runs (there were about 10 of them) and we started ducking and swatting. Ted and I had brooms. We started swinging. We looked like Stan Laurel (in Laurel & Hardy) in the bat scene in "Utopia." I gave a mighty swing.... and missed Andy's head by a hair. Then I swung at one on the ceiling. I hit it!!! I also hit the light... It gave a flicker and then died.... We eventually reduced their numbers by about half and the rest went off to attend to more profitable and safe duties. Saturday I worked pretty much all day. On Sunday morning I ushered and recorded as usual. Patrick walked in with a beautiful female visitor. After church, I changed into warm-up pants and a t-shirt. The pants had a small hole right where two of my appendages meet. I used a safety pin to close the hole. I was walking along and suddenly began to howl in pain. I yelled, "Why in the world do they call these things safety pins?!?!?" I went to the bathroom and closed pin agian. I walked around gingerly for a while and then decided a life of fear simply wasn't worth it. I removed the pin. Later that afternoon I called around to see if anyone would play bball. Merv said he couldn't, he was injured. He called back a little bit later and said that he is at Alfy's and that the guys from DC (Marcelle, Martin, William, and Darius; black dudes from DC that Alfy, Ivan, and Merv do stuff with; they took them on a Western trip and more recently to GA & FL. they visited my cousins in Idaho on their Western trip. My 1st cuz Valerie was reportedly Marcelle's highlight of the trip.) are there; would we like to play bball with them? I said "Yes!! If Tony will take us...." Tony said yes, so we went on in there. We had a ton of fun! Marcelle, Benji, and I beat Martin, Darius, and William 4 times and lost once. We had pounds of fun! They kept saying funny stuff and their "black boy" voices made it ten times as funny. We had kilograms of fun! Alfy made pizza, brought out two tweleve packs of pop, and ice cream! We had mega-ounces of fun! Did I mention we had fun?
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Hope it will always be alive! THE END :)
Anonymous, at March 29, 2007 at 5:09 AM
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