The (not so) Daily Me

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Last night we had a great time at Alfy's playing vball and and sitting around (the campfire) talking and laughing. I basically planned it. Merv and Alfy helped a lot, tho. Alfy grilled chicken and tuna steaks. Merv brot potato salad. I brought baked beans and chips. Ted brought pop. Poor Teddy had to leave at 10:30 to be home by 11 curfew... I got home at 1. I stayed up another hour and watched home vids w/ poor Heidi who is suffering from extremely severe poison ivy. She watched 'em 'til 4:30! This morning I drank some Mountain Dew. In SS class we were talking about spiritual gifts. I told everybody that if I start speaking in tongues it's because I didn't get enough sleep last night. I started singing part of TrueVibe's "Jump, Jump, Jump" to Ted except I exchanged Dew for joy: Can you feel the joy Don't it make you want to jump, jump, jump Don't it make you want to move, move, move LOL! After I had seated everyone (I am usher) I sat in the back to the side and was trying to call Ted on his cell to unnerve him. While I was doing that someone said how well the song "God on the Mountain" would go with devotions. Dad said that him and me often like to sing that song together. I heard that part... I didn't hear the rest. I was too busy SMSing Ted. All of a sudden I heard Dad say, "Well, it looks like he left." (I learned later this is what happened in the meantime: Somebody asked Dad to have him and me sing that song. He said, well, he would, but he doesn't know the words and doesn't have them. Someone piped up that they had the words. Then he tried to get out of it by saying that I had left. I was really still in the back just sitting to the side out of his sight. At that point I made the mistake of standing up.) So I heard him say that and then, everyone turned around to look at me , so I figured that he was probably talking about me; and someone said, no, he's there. So I stood up and and went over to the door trying to figure out why they were talking about me. I didn't have clue what was going on!! Dad asked me if I would sing it with him if he had the words. At that point I figured it out. I nodded my reluctant assent and walked up. The problem with the words was that the lady had just written them down from memory and there were extra words in there. Dad just tried to modify the rythm to add the words. I tried to sing it right from memory. The rythm did not go well. The rest went, reportedly, well. After we sang, Simon Schrock thanked us and asked if anyone else wanted to request any duets or solos or song . At the end of the service then a guy with his girlfriend there visiting suggested that he and his dad do a solo! It was funny cause he was pretty obviously showing of to GF! I went over to Lawrence's this afternoon.


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