The (not so) Daily Me

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Ted was here tonight and I asked him if he "blupdated his dog" (for you clueless non-spoonerizers out there, that is the spoonerized way of saying "updated his blog") and we both cracked up! He asked me what the definition of blupdated was... I said it sounded like I just took my dog to the vet to have him.... somethinged..... Dad offered Ted some mint tea and he accepted. I asked him if he wanted to be like the Indians tonight. He said Huh? I said Are you going to sleep in your tee-pee? Later he picked up a glass and wondered if it was his, so he sniffed it and said, Yeah, It's mine. I said Ahh, it stinks like your breath?!? He said, Nope it smells like tea pee. I said, Nope it smells like pre-tea-pee. We were sitting here and I was singing "American Dream" by Casting Crowns, and he said, I should learn to play that on my guitar, and I said Yeah, you could play and I could sing! Then he said, except I can't play... and we both said at the same time, "Or sing!" We played three games of ping pong, I bested him 2-1. Here's a joke for ya'll: What do you call a pygmy fortune-teller who espcaped from jail? A: A small medium at large. A bonus from Benny: What do you call a fortune teller singing hip-hop? A: Shrink(w)rap


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