Awesome Op-Ed Pieces
Wow! I have just come across some very well-written, right on target op-ed pieces. My favorite is Appeasment: "There are two approaches to terrorists. One is to fight them with every weapon you can -- the military, intelligence services, interdiction of money flows, diplomacy. That is what George W. Bush is doing against the Islamist terrorists who struck Sept. 11. The other way is appeasement. Give the terrorists some of what they want, and hope that they will stop being terrorists any more. That was the approach Bill Clinton took in the 1990s to terrorists in Colombia, Israel and Northern Ireland. " "George W. Bush has backed Ariel Sharon's refusal to deal with Arafat and his fence separating Israelis and Palestinians. Most Israelis support the fence, and suicide bombings are way down. The bottom line: Appeasement failed. " "In the short run, appeasement seems the more conciliatory, thoughtful, nuanced way to deal with terrorists. But in the long run, it tends not to work." Of course the most famous incident of failed appeasement is Chamberlain and Hitler in 1938 with the Munich Accords. Supposed peace. A year later: WWII. Another op-ed, Additional Views by Stephen F. Hayes, handily and wittily exposes the utter hypocrisy and total lack honesty of Sen. Jay Rockefeller in condemning Bush in a report on prewar Iraq intelligence. A final op-ed piece, Of 'Lies' and WMD, debunks the whole "Bush lied about WMD" theory. Man, if only the general public could hear this stuff. The liberals' stranglehold on the media really grates. We were just talking about it the other night: Take a look at Europe. Liberal, Liberal, Liberal. Look at their economies. Pathetic, Pathetic, Pathetic. Their liberal economic policies have trashed their economies. Germany and France's unemployment rate is close to double ours. I just hope voters sit up and take notice this November at the poor results of liberal policies around the globe. I came across a funny blog post: Techdirt: How To Sell The Same Startup Twice
Wow, incrediblby interesting.
Joo are missing out on much comments by not using Xanga.
Anonymous, at July 16, 2004 at 4:19 PM
Oh and just in case you dunno who posted that. It's me.
KK bye bye!
Anonymous, at July 16, 2004 at 4:21 PM
Oh and if you don't know who that was, that was me too.
Anonymous, at July 16, 2004 at 4:22 PM
That one was also me.
Anonymous, at July 16, 2004 at 4:23 PM
Me again.
Anonymous, at July 16, 2004 at 4:23 PM
Anonymous, at July 16, 2004 at 4:23 PM
HEY! no fair you got a new post thingy cause know I can't comment because I'm not a member. ughhhh HANS!
o well. see ya. I had an awesome time at Miller Reunion. Good luck with work,
your cuz ~Andrea~
Anonymous, at July 21, 2004 at 3:47 PM
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