Walmart x2
Walmart #1: The other day Heidi told me to, if I ever stopped by Walmart, to pick up a Snickers bar and a model of a PT Cruiser for her to give as Christmas gifts. The next day she told me to forget about those things at Walmart. I looked at her blankly and said, "Huh?" She repeated, "You can forget those things that I told you to pick up at Walmart, that Snickers bar and a model of a PT Cruiser." A light dawned on my face and I said, "I already did!"
Walmart #2: Be wary of jeans bought at Walmart. I bought a pair of cargo jeans at Walmart a couple of months ago and they came with a bit of an unwanted feature: an automatic unzipper. I mentioned earlier this way in which I fixed the problem with safety pins, and how it turned out that the safety pins weren't so safe after all and because of their strategic placement... I have discovered another thing (here I go again with parentheses; I am happy to have Michelle working at GRT/GRC: she makes coffee everyday, unlike my earlier situation) with my drinking copious amounts of coffee, my jean's unique feature and the subsequent solution inhibits expedious dispensing with resulting necessary tasks.
I'll finish up with some funny quotes from Ted's blog:
Then I went to Family Christian Stores while Andrew was ordering pizza from Papa John's for his birthday. I got 2 new CDs. Falling Up - Crashings and Day of Fire - (self titled). Haha it was funny when I was checking out there was just this guy and girl about my age working behind the counter and he says "That's a good CD." Then shows it to her and she says "That's a good CD." He says "I already said that." Then she said to me "It's more important when I say it, right?" and I'm like "Yeah sure." Then I hand them my Perks card and she punched it 3 times instead of just 1 and he says "I think she's hitting on you."
His nickname is "Chick Magnet" in case no one knows... =) I gave it to him when we were at a girl's bday party and all the girls were giggling and giggling and whispering because two of the girls had a crush on him. LOL!
we got home around 11. Went to bed and got up at 6:45. Showered and ate real quick and went to Fauquier High School to take the SAT. 4 fricken' hours of sitting on a solid wood chair. It's hard on the donkey I tell you. Anyways, I think I did alright on the test but we shall see when the results come. Hehe it was funny getting on towards lunch time, all around the room you could hear stomach gurgles. One was so weird sounding and everyone had to keep from laughing.
Ted, they don't call it the SAT for nothing... =)
Anonymous, at December 9, 2004 at 7:56 AM
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