Mennonite Bloggers
Wow! The known (to me) Mennonite blogosphere has just about doubled! I feel like Christopher Columbus (my middle name is Christopher) except instead of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria I have a satellite dish (wonder what CC woulda thought of that?!?) that in modern parlance could be termed my figurative surfboard. I was surfing and found a girl's blog where she was just raving how in love she was with her boyfriend Morgan. I knew that the girl was a Mennonite and that she had gone to Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute because I had found her site on the SMBI blogring. I had found the SMBI blogring from Darrell's girlfriend Naomi's blog.
Anyway, after about 10 minutes (ok, not quite, almost) of reading what a great guy that Morgan was, I wondered if there might just be the tiniest glimmer of a possibility that this was the same great Morgan guy that I knew as Nicole's brother. I dismissed the thought as being too unlikely. I kept reading (surprising since I'm usually not riveted by girls gushing over boys (unless it's me that they're gushing over
)), and saw that they had gone to Connecticut to see his sister. At that point I knew it couldn't be the Morgan I knew, because his one and only sister didn't live in Connecticut; she lived HERE! Then I kept reading and it said his sister's name was Nicole. That piqued my interest again, but I came back to the fact that they didn't live in CT. Finally the post said, "Thanks Ivan and Nicole for everything..." The Nicole I know happens to have a husband named Ivan. The Morgan I know happens to also have a brother-in-law named Ivan. (which says the same thing as the last sentence, I just did it for the blondes
who might not make a connection
) So it was the girlfriend of someone I knew!
She (Dee, it seems, is her name, or at least part of it) went on to say that, "Today is another day of detention" Then she quickly adds, "for one of my students, not for me =)" If she assumes someone might think that the detention is for her, watch out Morgan! jk! Congrats! It sounds like you're a lucky guy!
You too Dee! I don't really know you, but now I know you bit better! => Oh, and btw, I love how Dee ends her post, "Adios to all my amigos! Much amor [love] goes out to ya'll!" That's my kind of Spanish!
For those of you who don't know, Morgan works for Choice Books in New York City. He mentioned and mispelled Kenneth Coblentz in recent post, as well. His twin brother Matt also has a blog. Dad's is forcing me to go to bed... it's 12:39 PM... I could say more, but I can't... (isn't that a contradiction?)
You poor guy. Your Dad made you go to bed at 12:39 PM??
Anonymous, at December 2, 2004 at 9:59 PM
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