People: I have moved to
Well, it seems that a certain Iraqi is vying to be the first from his country to qualify for the Winter Olympics. It's hilarious (; "" "bill"):
Faisal Faisal's Olympic dream appears to be just that -- a goal far out of reach, almost entirely unrealistic.
Don't you love his name? "Faisal Faisal" Nothing like making sure you get the point across, just do it twice. Can't you hear the crowds screaming: "Go Faisal, Faisal, Faisal, Faisal, Faisal...." At least it keeps it simple! =)
In 2006, he wants to become the first Iraqi athlete to compete in the Winter Olympics, but he can hardly describe the sport, skeleton, in which he hopes to qualify. It's fast and fun and it happens on ice, Faisal said. And in part thanks to the U.S. Olympic Committee, he's been hurtling down an icy track in Lake Placid, N.Y., for two weeks. He's successfully completed, he said proudly, 21 skeleton runs.
Let's just say that with him being the only Iraqi Winter Olympian, Iraq is sending a *snicker, snicker* skeleton crew....
Since he vowed in 1998 to one day represent his country in the Olympics, Faisal has tried five sports. He's suffered two panic attacks and a sleep disorder during a quest that, so far, has been part tragedy, part comedy.
A very tough determined guy who is trying very hard. He is a bright beacon of hope in that nation that has very little to have hope about right now. The articles goes on:
training with top-level coaches...U.S. Olympic athletes...hopes...compete...The USOC is heavily promoting Faisal's visit as a triumph of Olympic solidarity, one that could give Iraq a heartwarming story to parallel that of the country's soccer team in the 2004 Games in Athens.
I kind of condensed, but you get the idea. This is the kind of guy that Iraq needs in it's future and lots more like him. This is what Bush's dream of Democracy is all about. But then, the article descends back into the comedy of this guy from the desert competing in the Winter Olympics.
Not even the sport is important. Faisal left Iraq at 17 to study in Australia, where he quickly picked up skiing. During weekends off from school, he would travel seven hours by bus to a ski resort. With little concept of snow and no instruction, Faisal suffered a panic attack and eventually gave up the sport.
He tried snowboarding, which sometimes scared him so thoroughly he struggled to sleep. He tried to become a speedskater, then learned that he would not be eligible for the Olympics because Iraq did not have a single ice rink.
In September 2004, he considered ski jumping until a prospective coach looked at him and, perhaps picturing a man from the desert flying through the air and landing in snow, literally laughed in his face.
"A lot of times," Faisal said, "people thought my dream was a joke."
Our whole family thought it was a good joke as we sat around and had a good time roaring about it. (why my family is here instead of in India is another story altogether)
Not until last week did Faisal finally stumble upon a sport that fit him. Usually, coaches said, a first skeleton run is something to overcome.
At the speeds skeleton is performed and the danger involved, "stumbling" up the sport that fit him is an unfortunate analogy. More tragic irony ensues:
To do so, he'll also need certification from an organization that does not exist. All skeleton athletes most be certified to compete by their country's governing body for the sport, and Iraq has no such thing. Therefore Faisal is ineligible to participate in Olympic qualifying races.
Ahhh... can't you just imagine him trying those sports:
Patterico's Pontifications exhasutively details all the sins of the LA Times in the past year in giving unbalanced coverage. The two posts are specifically about LA Times articles, but provides a caricature of all MSM. I was proud to note that our local liberal paper, The Washington Post, was noted for saying the Dan Rather/60 Minutes/Bush Guard Documents were fabrications from the start "taking its cue from the blogosphere." Unfortunately, I think this was more a result of pragmatism and far-sightedness as to which way that the wind would blow, than high-mindedness. I think WasPost was also delighted to bash TV journalists in the age old print vs. TV battle. Without further commentary, go read for yourself:
Patterico's Los Angeles Dog Trainer Year in Review 2004 -- Part One: The 2004 Presidential ElectionPlease read the following letter for news of a serious breach of First Amendment rights and more evidence of persecution of Christians. I received this letter from the AFA (American Family Assosciation):
Dear Hans,
What we have been saying has now happened. You cannot quote what the Bible has to say about homosexuality in public or you will be charged with a "hate crime." Philadelphia is only the beginning. If we fail to take a stand here, this "crime" will soon be applied across America.
In the 27 years of this ministry, I have never witnessed a more outrageous miscarriage of justice than what is happening in Philadelphia. Four Christians are facing up to 47-years in prison and $90,000 in fines for preaching the Gospel on a public sidewalk, a right fully protected by the First Amendment.
On October 10, 2004, the four Christians were arrested in Philadelphia. They are part of "Repent America." Along with founder Michael Marcavage, members of Repent America—with police approval--were preaching near "Outfest", a homosexual event, handing out Gospel literature and carrying banners with Biblical messages.
When they tried to speak, they were surrounded by a group of radical homosexual activists dubbed the Pink Angels. A videotape of the incident shows the "Pink Angels" interfering with the Christians’ movement on the street, holding up large pink symbols of angels to cover up the Christians' messages and blowing high pitched whistles to drown out their preaching.
Rather than arrest the homosexual activists and allow the Christians to exercise their First Amendment rights, the Philadelphia police arrested and jailed the Christians!
They were charged with eight crimes, including three felonies: possession of instruments of crime (a bullhorn), ethnic intimidation (saying that homosexuality is a sin), and inciting a riot (reading from the Bible some passages relating to homosexuality) despite the fact that no riot occurred.
You may think I am exaggerating. I'm not. Our AFA Center for Law and Policy is representing these four individuals at no cost. We will take this case all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary to get justice.
There is so much more about this case I don't have room for it in this letter. We have prepared a 25-minute VHS/DVD in which two AFA-CLP attorneys discuss the case in detail.
Please help us with our expenses in representing these committed Christians. With your tax-deductible gift of $15, less than the cost of a cup of coffee once a month for the next year, we will send your choice of either the VHS or DVD. Watch the VHS/DVD, then share it with your Sunday school class and church. This VHS/DVD should be required viewing in every church in America.
Click here to get your copy of the Philadelphia 4 Story
Thanks for caring enough to get involved. We must not allow this travesty of justice to continue.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this email to family and friends.
Warning! Your Lesson For The Day:
Here's a handy formula you may want to write down: Finger food + Tabasco sauce + itchy eye = Danger. Very very danger. You may want to stick it on your refrigerator to remind yourself. I know I will.